
STARS4Water pitch at the Virtual Exchange on “Artificial Intelligence for Integrated Drought Risk Management”, 26 November 2024

The Integrated Drought Management Programme (IDMP), in collaboration with the Earth Observation Training, Education, and Capacity Development Network (EOTEC DevNet), hosted a Virtual Exchange focusing on the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Integrated Drought Risk Management, on 26 November 2024. 

STARS4Water partner Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) presented a short pitch at the IDMP – EOTEC DevNet meeting marketplace entitled “MLMapper, a versatile IA tool for spatial mapping in water sciences”. This consisted of a brief presentation of MLMapper 2.0, a data-driven tool developed within the project to estimate spatially distributed target variables based on ground truth samples and a series of predictor variables. The tool is versatile enough to cater to a wide spectrum of variables and machine learning algorithms. Its use was demonstrated with examples from various case studies around the world, including the prediction of groundwater nitrate in the Duero basin.

The powerpoint presentation is available here.

You can watch the recording here:



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