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The collaborative project funded under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme that aims to improve the understanding of climate change impacts on water resources availability and the vulnerabilities for ecosystems, society and the economy at river basin scale


A presentation video of STARS4Water Project (coming soon)

The STARS4Water Metadata Portal is an open access, flexible and modular environment, easily adaptable to the different needs of the River Basin Organisations. It aims to unlock existing data and information sources for water resources management and climate change adaptation, including new developments at EU and global level and lessons learnt from previous studies on data collection and data standards.



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December 2024
Dec 10
10 December 2024
BluePoint Brussels, Bd A. Reyers 80
Brussels, 1030 Belgium

Water Knowledge Europe is the specialized brokerage event of Water Europe that allows you to network, to exchange knowledge and experiences, and to collaborate with key actors from across the […]

April 2025
Apr 27
27 April 2025
Austria Center Vienna, Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1
Vienna, 1220 Austria

The General Assembly 2025 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) is held at the Austria Center Vienna (ACV) in Vienna, Austria and online, from 27 April–2 May 2025. The assembly is open to the […]

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News and Articles

NASA Satellites Reveal Abrupt Drop in Global Freshwater Levels

NASA Satellites Reveal Abrupt Drop in Global Freshwater Levels

An international team of scientists using observations from NASA-German satellites found evidence that Earth’s total amount of freshwater dropped abruptly…

Improved modelling frameworks at the STARS4Water River Basin Hubs

Improved modelling frameworks at the STARS4Water River Basin Hubs

In the framework of the Deliverable 3.2 “Improved modelling frameworks for better understanding of water resources at the river basin…

STARS4Water Newsletter #2

STARS4Water Newsletter #2

We are pleased to share the second STARS4Water Newsletter, designed to keep you updated on our project’s progress, outcomes, and…

With our own words

What Our People Say

Climate change affects us all and especially low water circumstances are of growing impact in the Dutch Delta, of 4 river systems in Western Europe. The effects of climate change are more or less the same, the circumstances are different for each river basin. Stars4Water will help us to strengthen our knowledge base and the network of water managers who are dealing with the same challenges.

Jan Kruijshoop Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management - Rijkswaterstaat

The STARS4Water project includes two distinctive elements: first, the need for an international stakeholder community to address the stakeholders’ needs and requirements. Second, the development and application of innovative data and model concepts. We acknowledge that these elements are of a different nature, being a stakeholder-driven approach and a rather science-data-driven in the application of novel data and models, respectively. It is the consortium’s firm conviction that for substantial progress in climate change adaptation, both these approaches are required, and that meaningful innovations happen where both meet.

The STARS4Water Consortium

Within STARS4Water we will develop an Online Impact Reporter. This application will support the reporting of biophysical and socio-economic impacts, changes in vulnerability and risk, and ex-post evaluations of applied adaptation measures by different categories of stakeholders related to water management and climate change. This information is crucial and currently lacking within the EU, thus the transparent exchange of this knowledge will support river basin managers in impact assessment, policy making and future planning of adaptation measures.

Maggie Kossida SEVEN

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Our Forum & Deliverables

Join our Stakeholder Forum to exchange views with other stakeholders in the 7 river basin hubs and beyond on challenges related to the implementation of River Basin Management Plans under climate change. Learn more about the STARS4Water next generation tools and data services for better supporting decision making and planning on actions for adaptive, resilient and sustainable management of freshwater resources at the basin scale. Share your experiences and support the STARS4Water co-development process.

Browse through our open access project Deliverables to discover more.