Deliverable 1.1: Stakeholder Engagement Work Plan
Deliverable 1.2: Assessment of the needs on data services and modeling tools of stakeholders in selected European river basins
Deliverable 1.4: Dashboard for supporting decision-making on water resources management at river basin level: prototype
Deliverable 1.5: Water scenarios for River Basin Hubs
Deliverable 2.1: Review of existing observational systems
Deliverable 2.2: STARS4Water Metadataportal_1st release
Deliverable 2.3: Defining indicators for assessing climate risks
Deliverable 2.4: STARS4Water Metadata Portal_2nd release
Deliverable 2.5: Data sets on scenario narratives
Deliverable 3.1: Gap analysis of existing tools in the RBs
Deliverable 3.2: Improved modelling frameworks for better understanding of water resources at the river basin scale
Deliverable 6.1: STARS4Water Dissemination Communication Strategy Plan_v1.0
Deliverable 6.2: STARS4Water website
Deliverable 6.3: STARS4Water Dissemination Communication Strategy Plan_v2.0
Deliverable 7.1: Data Management Plan_1st release
Deliverable 7.2: Ethical requirements
Deliverable 7.3: Data Management Plan_2nd release
STARS4Water aims to improve the understanding of climate change impacts on water resources availability and the vulnerabilities for ecosystems, society and the economy at river basin scale
This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON
Research and Innovation Actions Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101059372