
Outputs from the STARS4Water Stakeholders Workshop on the Seine hub, 25 November 2024, Paris France

INRAE, STARS4Water partner, organized a Workshop with the EPTB Seine Grands Lacs, stakeholders in the Seine River Basin, in Paris (FR) on the 25th of November 2024.

STARS4Water partners discussed recent modelling achievements (WP3) and the calibration/validation of the GRS4 semi-distributed model developed at INRAE (WP4 task 4.1), which relies on 155 gauged stations for calibration and reservoir storage data to incorporate the management of the upstream reservoirs when modelling river flow dynamics. Stakeholders showed interest in the multi-objective calibration for the spatial coherence of the model and its robustness in the context of using projections of climate change.

The approach developed to evaluate water resources availability and risks under climate change (WP4 Task 4.2) was also discussed. Focus was placed on improving the way the minimum flows downstream the reservoirs are considered in the modelling framework, and on the use of relevant indicators to quantify the impact of different management scenarios on reservoir management strategies, under past and future reservoir inflow conditions.

During 2025, STARS4water partners and stakeholders expect to improve our understanding of the risks in the river basin, paving the way for a better understanding also of the vulnerabilities that current management practices might face under different scenarios of climate change.



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