The STARS4Water metadata portal has been launched: an open environment where everyone can access the data; a flexible and modular environment easily adaptable to the different needs of the river basin organisations
The STARS4Water metadata portal aims to unlock existing data and information sources for water resources management and climate change adaptation, including new developments at EU and global level and lessons learnt from previous studies on data collection and data standards. The development of the metadata portal is based on the following principles: open (source), flexible, modular, integrated environment.
In the current release, the metadata portal is populated with existing datasets that were collected in deliverable D2.1 of the STARS4Water project. To search, find and access the datasets, the GeoNetwork catalogue is implemented in the metadata portal. In the current version of the portal, there is no built-in PiD-functionality required to create a persistent identifier like a doi. This functionality is foreseen in the next version of the metadata portal.