
Improved modelling frameworks at the STARS4Water River Basin Hubs

In the framework of the Deliverable 3.2 “Improved modelling frameworks for better understanding of water resources at the river basin scale”, STARS4Water elaborated on the upgrading of existing and development of new modelling frameworks and processed-based modelling tools to help address the water management needs of the 7 STARS4Water River Basin Hubs (RBHs). Suitable methodologies have been identified for each RBH considering the existing gaps.

Co-creation process within STARS4Water.

The following activities have been actioned in the STARS4Water workflow:

  • The development of a new modelling chain characterised by a suite of models in the Drammen river basin, including LISFLOOD, HBV, wflow_sbm and RIBASIM;
  • The development and application of the RIBASIM water allocation model in the Rhine, Messara and Danube river basins, as part of an improved water resources modelling framework within the RBHs;
  • The development and application of an agricultural water demand module in the wflowRIBASIM modelling framework for the Rhine basin;
  • The development of a new approach to estimate the inter-catchment groundwater flows in the semi-distributed hydrological model GRSD (based on the lumped GR4J model) in the Seine River basin, to better account for groundwater-surface water interactions and water storage in the upstream reservoirs;
  • The development and application of an environmental flows methodology to connect to hydrological/water resources models and hydraulic models in the East Anglia river basin hub;
  • The update and application of the MODFLOW model for an extension of the current domain in the Duero basin, along with improved process understanding and provision of input data via data-driven approaches to better understand groundwater vulnerability to nitrate contamination.

The Deliverable 3.2 details the planned improvements and application of water resources modelling frameworks and tools over selected catchments within the RBHs. Overall, the diverse model developments highlight the range of requirements from stakeholders across the RBHs, but also the innovative approaches put in place to help meet these requirements.

The modelling framework and process improvements detailed in this Deliverable will inform the next set of activities undertaken in the project for each of the RBHs to facilitate water availability assessments and sustainable water resources management. These approaches have been developed alongside a series of data-driven methodologies, and together will form a comprehensive suite of water resources modelling tools designed to meet the needs of the STARS4Water RBHs. The developed tools will not only be applicable for stakeholders in the STARS4Water project, but will also provide methodologies that can be applied in other river basins where improved representation of the hydrological system and equitable water allocation are required.

More information can be found in the following STARS4Water project Deliverable:

Rickards, N.J. & Keller, V.D.J. (eds.) (2024): Improved modelling frameworks for better understanding of water resources at the river basin scale. Deliverable 3.2 (D3.2). Horizon Europe project STARS4Water.



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