STARS4Water “Supporting Stakeholders for Adaptive, Resilient and Sustainable Water Management” is a collaborative project funded under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme. The project begun in October 2022 and will run for 4 years.
STARS4Water aims to improve the understanding of climate change impacts on water resources availability and the vulnerabilities for ecosystems, society and the economy at river basin scale, including two distinctive elements:
Instrument: HORIZON-CL6-2021-CLIMATE-01 , European Research Executive Agency
Total Cost: 4,584,730 €
EC Contribution: 4,580,979 €
Duration: 48 months
Start Date: October 1st, 2022
Consortium: 21 partners from 10 countries
Project Coordinator: Stichting Deltares
Project Web Site:
Key Words: Water resources, Catchment scale water management, Climate change adaptation, Water-climate interactions, Risk and vulnerabilities assessment, Data-driven models, Decision making tools, Information systems, Stakeholders engagement, River Basin Organisation. Living-lab approach
New data services and data-driven models will be developed in the 7 river Basin hubs, advanced to TRL 5-6. Each of the new data services and modelling tools will be validated in at least one of the River Basin hubs.
Application of data science techniques, using the full potential of data from existing monitoring and observation frameworks. The improved future projections will be made available through a portal of a metadata platform.
The new data services and tools will be applied int projections of climate and socio-economic changes under 3 scenarios (2030 - 2050). The projections will be used to define the safe operating space for water availability and ecological requirements, enabling the stakeholders to define actions for sustainable management and climate resilience.
The dashboards will present climate impacts on water resources and hydrological extremes at river basin scale, to support stakeholders in better assessments of strategies by incorporating decision-support indicators on safe operating space, extreme events, water-energy-food nexus, water supply impacts.
Uptake will be achieved through establishing a network of water planners and practicioners (Community of Practice) and data service platforms, starting from the 7 river hubs. Complemented by the STARS4Water Academy and Stakeholders Forum.
The overall implementation of the project is structured in 7 Work Packages (WP). Central in the project are the 7 River Basin Hubs, which will serve as living labs for co-creation and validation of new services, models and tools that support climate resilient water resources planning. A wide range of upscaling, capacity building and dissemination activities are foreseen to foster the uptake and exploitation of the project results and deliver a wider impact.
WP1 main objective is to work with stakeholders through a co-creation approach to address the main points in their water resources information system where new data, tools and indicators can increase the effectiveness and timeliness of their water management decisions concerning climate resilient water resources planning. The specific objectives are:
WP2 is dedicated to data sets and services that form the basis for water resources management. The specific objectives are:
Within WP3 we will develop next generation and tools for water resources management under climate risk. The specific objectives are:
Within WP4 we will validate and apply the new data services and modelling tools for an integrated risk assessment of the future Europe’s freshwater resources. The specific objectives are:
WP5 will synthesize the results from risk assessments at river basin and pan-European level and promote uptake and upscaling to support river basin managers and EU member states in preparing for climate change impacts with respect to water resources management. The specific objectives are:
WP6 will disseminate the project results, products and knowledge to a broad audience, and maximize the uptake of the foreground and the potential for future exploitation. The specific objectives are:
WP7 will facilitate, support, monitor and guide the project’s progress towards achievements of its aims. It will manage all technical, scientific, administrative, legal and financial matters in a professional and efficient way, ensure that all deadlines for deliverables and reports are met, and ensure adequate and appropriate resource uses. The specific objectives are:
STARS4Water aims to improve the understanding of climate change impacts on water resources availability and the vulnerabilities for ecosystems, society and the economy at river basin scale
This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON
Research and Innovation Actions Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101059372